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NSW Mortgage Corp Blog

Tag: length of caveat loan

4 Reasons to Get a Home Loan with Bad Credit

4 Reasons to Get a Home Loan with Bad Credit

The fear of paying very high interests is one of the reasons borrowers dodge the idea of getting a home loan. Those who have gone through a foreclosure or bankruptcy are one of those people who think that a tanked credit will make them pay more than a borrower who has a stellar credit, but that’s not really true.

signs of predatory lending
Credit Score

Signs of Predatory Bad Credit Loans

Would you pay extra fees for an expensive loan that does not offer you any financial benefit? That’s how predatory bad credit loans work. They will deceive you into signing loans with hidden costs and terms that may cost you more than what you can afford to pay which could lead to foreclosure.

How To Satisfy Credit Judgements Without Going Bankrupt
Financial Tips

How To Satisfy Credit Judgements Without Going Bankrupt

A second mortgage can also help you fill the gap especially when you’re in serious debt. Talk to our helpful mortgage advisers to answer your queries and give advice about your current finances and how you can pay for your obligations as judgements debtor.

4 Overlooked Reasons For Defaults

4 Overlooked Reasons For Defaults

Credit card debts, consumer debts and payday loans cost more than second mortgage or home equity loans. If you keep on relying on high-interest credits, and you missed payments several times—then you may want to consider getting a second mortgage. You can consolidate all your debts and take care of only one loan at a time.

Options If You Don’t Qualify For First Home Buyers Grant NSW

Options if You Don’t Qualify for First Home Buyers Grant NSW

Ask your local bank, of they offer home loans for people with credit problems. In fact, they may have specific promos for long-time account holders who meet their eligibility criteria. But, if they are only interested in people with high credit ratings, you may not get a positive response if your credit rating is low.

Entrepreneur Should Know About Caveat Loans
Business Loans

What Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Caveat Loans

The length of caveat loan typically ranges from 2 weeks to 3 years while waiting for the approval of a longer-term loan or a larger one. It is a short-term loan which is often called a “bridge loan” because it is interim financing for an individual or business until the next financing is arranged. 

Caveat Loans Offer Business Investment Solutions

Caveat Loans Offer Business Investment Solutions

In business, things move fast and sometimes you need to make a decision that will require some immediate funds to back it up. Maybe you need the money to purchase and investment or commercial property before competing bidders beat you to it.