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Home Loan Refinancing

At NSW Mortgage Corp, we understand that there is more than one reason people want to refinance and we believe you should benefit from being a home owner.

Why You Should Refinance Your Home Loan

Popular Reasons People Choose Home Loan Refinancing

Lower monthly repayments when you are home loan refinancing

Lower repayments

Lower your monthly repayments by locking in a lower interest rate. Finding a lower rate of interest on your home loan could save you thousands over the loan period.

pay off your home loan soon with loan refinancing

Pay off your home loan sooner

Pay off high-interest debts, such as credit card debts, store card debts and personal loans at a much lower rate by consolidating them into your home loan.

reduce the risk of rate increases

Reduce the risk of rate increases

Reduce the risk of rising interest rates by switching from a variable rate home loan to a fixed rate home loan – or to lock in a split rate loan to benefit either way.

Dream wedding

Unlock money to fund life events

Unlock money for funding expenses such as home renovations, holidays, motor vehicles, unexpected bills and weddings.

home loan equity for investments

Release home equity for investment

Release your home equity for a variety of purposes, including investment in property or securities (such as the share market).

terms ranging from 1 to 24 months

Simplify your finances

Save yourself time and money by only having to repay one loan each repayment period, instead of several.

Read More About Home Loan Refinancing